CNY 2022, Our Adventures

The Start of our peak period

We’ve stopped taking in appointments around late November for CNY 2022. Most of our regulars had booked an appointment by then and our schedules were quite packed.

Our busy period started in early January after our short break in welcoming the year 2022. As usual, it started off slow with a few appointments to start the busy peak period. We didn’t take in any new customers for the month of January, by then our February slots are almost taken up as well. It was scary to us on how fast our following month’s appointments are filling up. We didn’t expect the overwhelming support given to us by our awesome pawrents.

This year’s peak period was a little different as we did continue with our weekly daycare fur kids. And thankfully we did as we’re able to schedule them in for their CNY grooming. With the daycare, it allows us to have a little breather from the traveling in between appointments. So it’s more of a pros and cons of continuing daycare during this period.

Shaver Decided to Retire

Our main shaver, not the tiny one for paw pads, decided to retire amid our busy period. It started to not work when we were grooming our last fur kid on the 17th January. Thinking maybe it’s the wiring issue, we decided to check it out after we end our last grooming session.

Once home, we decided to test it out again. To our horror, it started to smoke, then it died on us completely. Feeling anxious, we didn’t know what to do and was feeling frustrated as it happened at the wrong timing!

After calming down, we texted our fellow groomers to see who have a spare shaver to lend us till we get our replacement. We had to thank 7 Paws for helping us during this busy and difficult time. (If you prefer grooming salon instead of house-call, you may check them out)

East to West, West to East

We had to admit that we didn’t plan well for this year’s CNY appointments. We ended up having to travel from east to west and west to east. Travelling like this was time consuming to be honest. With such poor planning, we had to minimise our appointments.

Though Singapore is relatively small compared to our neighbouring countries, but travelling does takes up most of our time. Not to mention the occasional bad traffic. And with the ongoing construction work at SLE towards BKE from our place, the traffic was slow as drivers had to slowly merge from a 3 Lane traffic into 2 Lane.

With this year’s bad planning, we’ve learnt our lesson. We will be making some changes and improvements for the following year. And hopefully, the operation will go on smoothly.

End of Peak Period

We managed to survive another peak period. And we’re thankful for everyone’s support and patience during CNY. Weirdly, this year’s peak period just went by without us knowing. It feels like time does pass fast.

Despite the hectic schedule, we’ve enjoyed every session with each fur kid that we groomed. Their warm happy welcome keeps us motivated to keep going. Despite the tiredness, seeing them gives us that burst of energy to get them groomed before the festive season.

Though we’re not looking forward to the annual peak period, but we’ll definitely see everyone again. Do book early when our CNY 2023 slots are open to avoid disappointment.

Pawcation – Junior (10 to 13 Nov 2021)

Junior’s pawcation

10 Nov 2021 – Pickup/Check-in

After work and dinner, we head over to pick Junior up for his pawcation. While his pawrents are away for a break from work and staycation, he does have one too. Once arriving at our humble abode, or rather a messy one to be exact, Junior was off exploring and saying hi to our supawvisors, whom he hadn’t met for a few months.

As we picked him up a little late, bedtime came fast for our supawvisor, Toby. Junior was a little sad that he didn’t get to play or interact with Toby much that he stood nearby and watch Toby sleep.

11 Nov 2021 – First Day

The day started with us preparing breakfast for the fur kids. And also feeding Junior his medicine. His paw mum told us that it’s easy to feed him his medicine. We can either feed him like a treat, he’ll take it. Or add it to his food. Being skeptical, we tried feeding it like a treat, and true enough, he took it. We even made sure he swallowed it and did not puke it out somewhere.

We had to leave home for a while to meet a new potential pawcation fur kid. And sadly, little Junior didn’t want to be left out. He whined a little as we got ready to head out the door for our appointment. Silly boy, we’ll be home. It’s not like we’re leaving for good and not returning.

Didn’t get to bring the fur kids out for an excursion due to the weather. It was drizzling when we head back home. So we did a little playtime where we had a little game of catching before dinner time. It was tiring for us humans being chased by the fur kids but we’re glad that they had fun and the exercise that they needed.

Before we called it a day, we decided to feed the fur kids a little bone broth for supper. Fill up their tummy for a nice night’s sleep.

12 Nov 2021 – Grooming Day

Junior’s grooming before & after

It’s grooming day for Junior. We couldn’t stand his shaggy look and decided to give him a nice trim. A few hours later, Junior is all fresh and clean with a cuter look.

Had to shave his fur shorter than usual as he’s on cream medication for his skin. With a shorter fur, it’s much easier to see and apply the cream for him. He didn’t like it and did attempt to lick off the medicated cream. Thankfully, we do have an extra e-collar for the fur kids to use.

13 Nov 2021 – Home Sweet Home Day

Junior waiting for his chance to steal Twix’s food

Breakfast was chaos as we try to separate Junior from our supawvisors as he’s trying to steal their food! It wasn’t easy considering Twix’s vision is deteriorating and she’s a slow eater. We had to protect her food like a hawk to make sure Junior couldn’t get to any.

Fetched Covan back to our place for his weekly shower and he chased Junior with his Kong’s e-collar. After he found out how scared Junior was of the Kong’s e-collar, Covan kept chasing him the entire morning. Poor Junior had a short run in the morning on his last pawcation day. Well, it’s a nice exercise for Covan as he needed to walk more and build more leg muscles.

We send Junior home after dinner and he just couldn’t wait to be back. He ran off greeting his pawrents once they arrived at the lift lobby to meet us up. He didn’t even turn back to say goodbye but it’s OK. We’ll see him again in December for his next pawcation.

Stay tuned for his next adventure with us.